1 |
Leaves needle like or scale like |
Leaves flat with veins
2 |
3 |
Juniper |
Scales, not scratchy |
Cedar Arborvitae
4 |
Needles in groups
5 |
Spruce |
Soft pliable needles |
6 |
Pine |
Needles, 14 to 30 per cluster |
7 |
Leaf Simple
8 |
Veins palmate
9 |
Leaf margin sawtoothed or lobed
10 |
Russian Olive |
Leaf shape elliptical |
11 |
Leaf margin lobed
12 |
Leaf margin doubly saw toothed
13 |
Leaf margin crenate
14 |
American Elm |
Leaf margin doubly serrate, |
Paper Birch
15 |
Black Oak |
Leaf margin round lobed |
White Oak
16 |
Peach Leaf Willow |
Leaf shape elliptical |
17 |
Lombardy Popular |
Leaf shape ovate |
Black Cottonwood
18 |
Three veins, leaf margin cleft lobed
19 |
Silver Maple |
Shallow lobed |
Norway Maple
20 |
Leaflets palmate
Horse Chestnut
21 |
Black Walnut |
Leaflets, margin entire, or with |
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